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The new version 8 of the IFS (International Food Standard) has been mandatory since 01.01.2024.

The experiences of various stakeholders were taken into account for the revision of IFS Food 7, which was introduced in July 2021. The practical experience was used to make the wording of IFS Food Version 8 more consistent and precise, to revise the evaluation system and to reassign some criteria. This now corresponds better to the practical audit process. The IFS Doctrine, an accompanying document with explanations and interpretation aids for the requirements of the standard, has also been revised. This is intended to improve clarity, readability and practicability.

Outside advice helps

If products change or new products are developed, this must be properly recorded. In this regard, section 4.3 of the requirements catalog stipulates: "The product development/change process gives rise to specifications for product ingredients, packaging requirements, production processes and process parameters with reference to compliance with product requirements. This includes factory tests and product testing. The progress and results of product development shall be properly recorded." These and other requirements demand extensive know-how from the employees involved. Outside consulting helps to save time and to guard against operational blindness. 

The expert advisors of muva kempten GmbH will be pleased to support you prior to the assessment at your food facility. Nobert Flach, expert consultant at muva kempten GmbH, has already advised many food companies: "Each company is set up differently and must be considered individually. With our many years of practical experience and our trained eye, we can point out weak spots even before the assessment. Also as a large laboratory we can perform all microbiological and chemical tests especially for the dairy and food sector. You get all the information from a single source!"

Contact person

Norbert Flach

Consultant dairy
Water sampler

Phone +49 (0) 831/5290-219