Building on more than 130 years of experience, our mission then as now is to promote the quality of milk and dairy products and to contribute to food safety for the purpose of consumer protection.
muva kempten GmbH forms the heart of the Bavarian Milk & Dairy Center (Milchwirtschaftlichen Zentrum Bayern), which is a unique center of excellence in Europe for the dairy and agricultural industries. Interesting fact: muva is an acronym from the German name of the mid 20th Century entity - Milchwirtschaftlichen Untersuchungs- und Versuchsanstalt Kempten / Allgäu (Dairy Research and Testing Station)
19th Century
1887 Founded in Memmingen as the Dairy Research Station (Milchwirtschaftliche Untersuchungsstation)
20th Century
Relocation to Kempten into the House
of Dairy (Haus der Milchwirtschaft)
Expansion and renaming as the Dairy Research and Testing Station
Kempten / Allgäu.
Move into the muva building on Hirnbeinstraße.
21st Century
Official opening of the muva kempten
location on Ignaz-Kiechle-Straße
muva kempten becomes
muva kempten GmbH